Honeymooners Forever - Simple steps, yet Powerful Results!

Bringing Neuroscience to Relationships.

  • 1

    Welcome to the 12 Step Honeymooners Forever Couples Course

  • 3

    Step 2

    • Step 2: Be yourself and let your partner be themself

  • 4

    Step 3

    • Step 3: Communicate Well Daily

  • 5

    Step 4

    • Step 4: Invest Time and Money in your Relationship

  • 6

    Step 5

    • Step 5: Stop Fault Finding and Start Praising

  • 7

    Step 6

    • Step 6: Plan the Romance

  • 8

    Step 7

    • Step 7: Restore the Passion

  • 9

    Step 8

    • Step 8: How to Avoid or Survive an Affair

  • 10

    Step 9

    • Step 9: Children should Enhance, not Destroy, the Relationship

  • 11

    Step 10

    • Step 10: How to Argue Effectively

  • 12

    Step 11

    • Step 11: Improve your Finances

  • 13

    Step 12

    • Step 12: How to Avoid or Survive everything else Life Throws at You

    • Quiz- Honeymooners Forever Strategy: Goals and Overview

    • Quiz -The Honeymooners Forever Steps